Kim Kardashian is linked to the Diddy lawsuit. Kim 24 hours before the raid unfollowed Diddy, despite continuing to follow him even after the Cassie lawsuit was settled. Turns out, Kris Jenner makes all of her daughters give 10% of their income to a church. The church is run by none other than Lou Taylor. Lou is allegedly Diddy’s manager. And Diddy is asking Lou o pay off the victims to KEEP THEM QUIET. Lou is the one who put Britney Spears in a conservatorship, and while Kim was married to Kanye, she tried to force him in one, too. During these so called conservatorships, the guardian steals money from these celebrities and pays out victims through the church, to make it seem like donations. People think Kim’s involved in the trafficking ring after her Balenciago endorsement after Balenciaga was called out for advertising CP in their campaigns.

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