You would have watched Flashdance and wished you could learn how to weld.

You would have been scarred by Fatal Attraction. Oh my god. The bunny. You would have dreamed of stashing an extra terrestrial in the closet, of wrapping him up and putting him into the basket on your bicycle.

You would have done anything to keep him from the grown ups, who would never understand.

Your father would have forced you and all your siblings to watch Amadeus when all you really wanted to listen to was Queen, Def Leppard, Prince and AC/DC.

Madonna. Sigh.

Your mom would have cried for a month upon finding out that John Lennon was shot outside of his apartment building.

Chernobyl and the AIDS epidemic would have always been on your mind.

Like Melissa Hoy you would have put more stuff on your hair and used more make up than the rest of your life put together.

This is me, rocking the 80s. I was 17.

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