Lord Jamar Says Sexual Assault Climate is Demonizing Heterosexual Males (Part 3)

[youtube ytid=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcgWrOA61lg?autoplay=1&w=580&h=385″ ]

Part 1: https://goo.gl/67P49b
Part 2: https://goo.gl/zcMpNY

In this clip, Lord Jamar gives his take on the swirl of sexual assault accusations hitting the news and claims that this climate is ushering in a demonization of heterosexual men. Lord Jamar also discussed the sexual assault allegations weighed against Nelly but took special issue with the video footage that surfaced showing Nelly’s interaction with a little girl during one of his sets. Lord Jamar talked about how seeing Nelly interact with the little girl was uncomfortable, or “weird.” He went on to talk about the parents in that situation and how he couldn’t allow anyone to play with his daughter’s hair in that manner. But Lord Jamar believes people are allowed to get away with things like that simply because of money and status. That goes for sexual assault or child molestation, often times one’s financial status can help defray issues and Lord Jamar doesn’t think money should levy that type of power.


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