Dominick Cicale Only Served 17 Months for Killing a Man Despite Co-Defendant Snitching (Part 4)

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Dominick Cicale detailed his involvement in a murder that culminated in a notably brief prison sentence. Cicale admitted it was his first shooting incident, a spontaneous act responding to the victim’s reaction. Accompanied by two other men, Cicale was prepared for potential violence as they were armed, including a gun fitted with a silencer. The murder occurred in a Fort Lauderdale motel room, which Cicale and his accomplices hastily tried to clean, though forensic evidence later revealed blood traces.

The trio’s plot unraveled when Ernie, one of Cicale’s accomplices, got arrested and decided to cooperate with authorities. Though initially shocked at Ernie’s betrayal, Cicale’s legal situation took an unexpected turn. Shortly before trial, he accepted a plea deal for manslaughter and Ernie claimed Cicale acted in self-defense, resulting in a seven-year sentence. However, owing to prison overcrowding and incentivized good time in Florida, his sentence was dramatically reduced, leading to his release after just 17 months. Despite Ernie’s cooperation ultimately shortening his sentence, Cicale felt deeply betrayed and harbored a desire for revenge.

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