HOOD Illustrated Global – Issue No. 12 Ep.2 w/ Adam Murphy – MidwestMixtapes.com

HOOD Illustrated Global presents Episode 2 of our interview with CEO / Owner of MidwestMixtapes.com – Adam Murphy. This episode touches on how he and his brand made a mark in this music industry as we talk about some of the highlights and artists that have benefited from this top independent media outlet. Adam Murphy graced the cover of Issue No.12 of HOOD Illustrated Magazine; you can purchase the magazine from http://www.HOODIllustrated.com for physical copies and also view blog posts of each page on the website. Here is the link to the Featured section of the magazine. (Please share online) http://hoodillustrated.ning.com/profi… Follow @HOODIllustrated on IG and Twitter. Contact us for marketing, promotion and brand exposure. Email : HOODIllmusic@gmail.com

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