Scott Ross Got into Screaming Match with Detective Russell Poole Over Biggie Murder (Part 2)

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Part 1:
In the latest clip, Scott Ross spoke on his involvement in the Rampart Scandal, the biggest police corruption case in United States history. Ross broke down the case and revealed that the city had to pay over $120 million in settlements. Three officers took plea deals in the case despite 70 total being implicated. He also explained why didn’t think some of the implicated cops were dirty.

Later in the clip, Scott Ross spoke on Ray Perez and David Mack’s alleged ties to Biggie’s murder while dispelling Russell Poole’s theories on the case. After breaking down Mack’s bank robbery case, he recalled getting into a screaming match with Poole over their beliefs on Biggie’s case. Throughout the clip, Ross explained why Poole’s beliefs were simply conspiracy theories. Check out the above clip to hear Ross explain why.

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