Tavis Smiley on Becoming the Host of "BET Tonight" Over Snoop Dogg & Queen Latifah (Part 4)
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Part 3: https://youtu.be/eI5f2Y3KcDg
Part 1: https://youtu.be/3B8_TPdC-4k
In this clip, Tavis Smiley talked about how he landed his spot on the Tom Joyner radio show as a political commentator – a role he had on the show for 12 years. He recounted how Bill Clinton first introduced him and Tom Joyner to one another at a black media gathering at the White House. While holding both jobs at BET and the Tom Joyner Show, Tavis described himself as “Mr. Negro.”
Later, Tavis Smiley detailed how he landed his first show on BET and the ways in which he became a national news figure through that show. He recounted what it was like for him living in LA during that time, specifically around the Rodney King rebellion, and how he became a go-to person for information about LA for a national audience.
Interview by: Shawn Prez
Check out his youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/c/PowerMoveMakers
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