What to Expect in a Sales Engineer Role (entry-level)

What to Expect in a Sales Engineer Role (entry-level)

This video is for anyone who has been in Sales, worked in Psychology or graduated with a Computer Science degree or at a software engineering bootcamp who may want to consider this new kind of role. Seeing the word “Associate” before the actual role generally means the beginning or entry level of that actual position. As an associate you get trained by a more seasoned person, and generally the onboarding process to finally get acclimated to the position can be 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the company/type of product(s).

Here are some resources to help you to be employable:
1.) Learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and other coding languages for free:
2.) COMPTIA Learning and Certifications to get a foot in the door to an entry level job:
3.) SalesForce Trailhead Blazer – learn how to use a Customer Relationship Management tool, while also learning the path of Solutions Engineer:
4.) Be part of a community, network, understand the life of a Sales Engineer and get mentored:
5.) Want to learn software? Check out General Assembly’s Software Engineering program:

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