Mura Masa and Charli XCX Link Up for Upbeat Single “1 Night”

Mura Masa is currently gearing up for the release of his forthcoming full-length debut album, due out this summer. Ahead of his album’s official release and his first appearance at Coachella, he returns today with the first single titled “1 Night” featuring Charli XCX. Both Mura Masa and Charli XCX have a special talent for making instantly addictive records, and luckily for us the two have joined forces to make an incredibly upbeat single.

It won’t take long to become obsessed with “1 Night.” The steady build up of the production by 20-year-old Mura Masa allows the rhythm to slowly but surely works it way through your body until it finally becomes impossible to fight the urge to dance. Charli XCX takes on lead vocals singing about events plenty 20-somethings can relate to.

For many, the whole “friends with benefits” situation doesn’t always work out as smoothly as we’d hope. Finding the words to explain that you’d like to rewind the friendship back to before you both the crossed the line is an uncomfortable position. Thankfully Mura Masa and Charli XCX created a catchy song to dance to and mend any newly-awkward friendships.

Listen to “1 Night” below.

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Source Complex

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