Our Year in Memes | PigeonsandPlanes
Pigeons & Planes’ main priority is music discovery. We love to find new artists and share them with whoever is willing to listen. This is the backbone of P&P, and something we will always strive to do. But we also love something else very, very much: memes.
For some reason in the middle of 2015, Jacob decided it would be a good idea to let me run all of the Pigeons & Planes social media accounts. What started with wobbly gifs and bad jokes has evolved into somewhat better video editing and even more bad jokes. So if you’ve ever enjoyed and shared our memes, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. And if you’ve ever hated our memes, found them corny, and tweeted “delete your account” at us, thank you also, because that’s still social engagement and that’s what my job depends on.
Here are some of my favorite P&P memes from 2016.
And I’m also really proud of everything on the Pigeons & Planes Vine account. Check it out before it’s gone. Thank you guys for continuing to support P&P, and get ready for a huge 2017.