Solange Says No Tour in Works for ‘A Seat at the Table’
Coachella Weekend 2 has almost come to an end—and the highlight? Sitting down with Solange at the Reebok house where Complex spoke to the songstress about whether or not she has a tour planned for A Seat at the Table— the short answer, nope.
“No, there’s no tour in the works—Right now I have two different shows. I have one that is more a performance piece show that is being performed in museums—and more in the art context. And then I have festival shows. As of now, I’ve not scheduled a proper tour in the more traditional sense,” she explained.
The Grammy winner went on to describe the freedom and balance the two different shows give her, allowing her to explore different mediums and ways to express A Seat at the Table in a less conventional way. “I’ve had a really, really great time: musically arranging, choreographing, art directing, costume designing—this is where I thrive and get so much joy.”
So, although Solo won’t be solo in a city near you anytime soon—you can see her inspiring, honest and beautiful show at festivals and museums this spring and summer. It’s worth it.