The Most Anticipated Albums of 2017
By all measures, 2016 was a bountiful year for music. Stars from every genre—though especially hip-hop—came through with new (and often great) albums, and up–and–comers emerged from all corners. There was simply more good new music than there was time to listen to it, at points. All of which would suggest that we’re headed for a drought in 2017; there just can’t possibly be any more to listen to.
But, as we survey the coming year, conventional wisdom appears to be incorrect—or, at the very least, it could be incorrect. There are a ton of albums that are on the horizon: Some with firm release dates, some with growing rumors, and some that are simply a gut feeling. And, looking at it that way, there’s plenty to get excited about this year. These are our most anticipated albums of 2017.
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