Are Kendall & Kylie Jenner Taking All the Black Men? | BOSSIP REPORT

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Kendall & Kylie Jenner are definitely trying to keep up with their sisters and date black men.


It seems like Kendall and Kylie Jenner are following after their older sisters when it comes to dating. Do you think the Kardashian women are taking your next MCM? Tell us what you think in the comments below!



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Are Kendall & Kylie Jenner Talking All The Black Men? BOSSIP

Clearly the Jenner girls are keeping up with the Kardashians.

What’s up Bossip Fam This is Jah, Assistant Editor of

This week if you keep your score at your house, Kourtney Kardashian seems to be the only one in the household who has a white significant other.

This week kendall Jenner was seen running around the Met Gala with Michael B Jordan.

You know are Michael B Jordan he’s scheduled to be the Human Torch for the new Fantastic Four movie

He drew alot of attention for himself playing Oscar Grant in Fruitville Station.

A lot of black woman love Michael B. Jordan The tweets road in by the dozens for establishing himself linking them so connected himself to the Kardashians/ Jenner Klan.

There was women calling him a sellout. They pretty much pulled out all the stops all the low blows they could possibly throw out
there to slander this man now that he has officially attached himself to one of the Klan.

As you guys already know Kylie Jenner has been seen running
around with Tyga for the past few months and today it came out that Tyga doesn’t really seem to care about the implications legally or otherwise with him dating such a young girl.

He’s been telling his friends that he doesn’t care about the law
that you know Kylie is mature for her age to be a 17-year-old she works although we’ve not really sure what exactly does.

She owns her own house she just you know I guess that his cinnamon apple.

She is the one he wants the most in his mind you can tell them in the Whether she’s underage or not now law enforcement agencies was the agencies in California say they would not be investigating
Tyga or Kylie on the strength of here say.

There’s no proof so far they’ve been sleeping together. They’ve haven’t been photographed kissing or making any type inappropriate sexual contact so basically it’s just two people being seen with each other and unless someone comes forward to file an official complaint about Tyga there’s nothing to they’re going to do about it.

What do you think about the Kardashians and the Jenner’s love affair with black men?

Are they taking away your MCM away from you if you?

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