Black Employees Sue CNN For Abuse Of Power, Racial Discrimination, & More

Source: John Greim / Getty
CNN is facing a class action lawsuit filed by a group of Black employees who allege they’ve endured “abuse of power, nepotism, revenge, retaliation and discrimination” while working for the media giant.
From Raw Story: “As a result of the current discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of DeWayne Walker vs. CNN, Time Warner & Turner, we have uncovered stories involving abuse of power, nepotism, revenge, retaliation and discrimination,” Attorney Daniel Meachum said in a press release on Wednesday.
Walker sued CNN for the first time in January in a $50 million suit that said during his 13 years of employment with the company, he has been consistently passed over for promotions in favor of white coworkers. When he complained to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, he said, he was targeted by higher-ups for retaliation.”
In the past few years, three other employees have filed suits against CNN for wrongful termination, racial discrimination, and religious discrimination. We will keep you updated as more news surfaces.
SOURCE: Raw Story
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