Eric Andre on Parent’s Genitalia, Pushing T.I. Too Far and Previews Season 4 on Adult Swim

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Strangely entertaining.

That description fits our recent guest Eric Andre to perfection and makes sense as to how he found a home for his unique humor on Adult Swim. As he preps for the Eric Andre show’s fourth season, we re-visited a few memorable moments from past seasons like making T.I. walk off the set or throwing up in front of Lauren Conrad before he….no spoilers, gotcha. Press play to find out…

One of those interviews that leaves you scratching your head due to the insane amount of WTF moments. For instance, calling his father’s “endowment” a Quizno sub or giving us a slightly disturbing warning that his father would be circumcised live on the air. Now you see what we meant by “strangely entertaining”…

Check out the full interview below and be on the lookout for his Season 4 premiere.

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