Lord Jamar: America Is Crazy Enough to Elect Donald Trump

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https://www.vladtv.com – Lord Jamar is back on the VladTV couch to share his thoughts on 50 Cent filing for bankruptcy and the serious turn Donald’s Trump presidential campaign has taken. Despite his outrageous and unfathomable comments regarding different races, “he’s soaring in the Republican polls,” says Jamar as he states what Trump and his affiliates must do in order for him to be taken seriously. “All this fake bulls*** that’s going on would have to go out the window for him to really win,” he continues, adding “America’s just crazy enough to show her true colors.”

When discussing 50 Cent’s financial woes, Lord Jamar makes note that “ever since he did that every picture you see [of] him he’s holding a brick of money…doing s*** to let you know ‘nay I still got money, y’all – read between the lines motherf***er . Like, I just did that on some business s***.'”

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