Lord Jamar: Ignorant White Boys will Hear Eminem’s “Untouchable” Differently (Part 8)

[youtube ytid=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhRJf8heAiY?autoplay=1&w=580&h=385″ ]

Watch Part 7: https://goo.gl/9KZPVQ
Part 6: https://goo.gl/oZa6C4
Part 5: https://goo.gl/DEJPkX
Part 4: https://goo.gl/oDmk5A
Part 3: https://goo.gl/xjyi9C
Part 2: https://goo.gl/mvstTx
Part 1: https://goo.gl/nngFnV
In this clip, Lord Jamar listened to Eminem’s track “Untouchable” for the first time and gave his opinion about the record. Needless to say, Lord Jamar wasn’t impressed by Em’s socially conscious message and outlined that the track could actually be counterproductive. He believes young white kids will listen to the hook and internalize it rather than understanding Em’s intent.

Lord Jamar also tapped Eminem as disingenuous for using social issues to garner album sales. He said that Eminem wasn’t socially conscious before because he had shock value. But Em’s shock value has diminished, primarily due to the pill culture in hip-hop today. When Eminem came out his lyrics about pill usage was a fringe activity in hip-hop, but now that it’s the culture Lord Jamar believes Em went the socially conscious route to recapture that shock value.


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