Morning Minute: African-Americans Three Times As Likely To Die In Police Chases
Report: African-Americans Three Times As Likely To Die In Police Chases

Source: Getty / Getty
In a groundbreaking report USA Today found that Black people in the U.S. are nearly three times higher than anyone else to be killed in a police car chase. This data is the first of its kind.
According to the report, since 1999 police have killed more than 6,200 people with African-Americans—who only account for 13 percent of the US population—accounted for 28 percent of those killed in pursuits.
The Root noted that other findings included:
- Black drivers were twice as likely to experience deadly pursuits that started over minor offenses or nonviolent crimes.
- In 2013 and 2014, nearly every deadly pursuit triggered by an illegally tinted window, a seat belt violation or the smell of marijuana involved a black driver.
- Black people were more likely than whites to be chased during peak traffic hours and with passengers in their cars. In addition, chases of Black motorists were about 70 percent more likely to wind up killing a bystander.
- For every 100,000 African-Americans, 4 were killed in police chases over the past 17 years; meanwhile for every 100,000 people who are not African-American, 1.5 were killed.
This data also included instances of both those fleeing law enforcement and innocent bystanders.
Come Through Uncle Joe! Vice President Biden Says He’ll Run in 2020, Maybe

Source: Alex Wong / Getty
Despite missing out on running for President in the 2016 election, Vice President Joe Biden says he’s running for president in 2020— well maybe.
According to the Associate Press, Biden told reporters on Monday, “I’m going to run in 2020. For president. So, uh, what the hell, man.” The he dialed it back a bit.
“I’m not committing not to run. I’m not committing to anything. I learned a long time ago, fate has a strange way of intervening,” he said.
If Biden were to win in 2020, he would be 78-years-old, making him one the oldest president to be elected next to Ronald Reagan, was just a few days short of turning 78 when he left office in 1989, the AP noted.
Black Residents In South Carolina Have Homes Sold From Under Them

Source: Chris So / Getty
Residents of Jackson Village, a Black community in Plantersville, South Carolina, are at risk of losing their homes due to a sewer service tax that they don’t need or want. And now there are 20 homes being put on the market last week without resident’s approval or knowledge.
According to BBC News this loss of land is even more devastating given that the residents are descendants of former West African slaves, called the Gullah Geechee Gullah, who inherited or bought that land generations ago.
“They had sold everything, the property, the house and all and when I offered to pay them with a check, they told me I couldn’t. I had to get cash money – 880 some dollars that I had to pay them to get my place back,” said Lillian Milton, who didn’t even know that her home had been sold until she came in from out-of-town to settle her tax bill.
Milton only owed $250.
“It’s like they were saying if I didn’t get on the system I wouldn’t have no place to stay,” she added.
Apparently, property developers have saturated the town in order to make a profit from selling the land, which is high in demand given its exclusive coastal location. And as the BBC noted, the developers are “legally” taking away these homes because many of the residents don’t have deeds on their houses.
Thankfully, residents are mobilizing and fighting for their land.