Ray Liotta Speaks on Relationship with J.Lo, “Shades of Blue,” and Explains Oscar Mishap

[youtube ytid=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4aTMUvAZbk?autoplay=1&w=580&h=385″ ]

The great, Ray Liotta stops by Sway in the Morning for the second time, and opens up about the second season of Shades of Blue. After rolling out a detailed story of the first season, Liotta also talks about both his on-camera and real-life relationships with Jennifer Lopez.

Sway and Liotta bond while sharing stories together about their daughters, when Sway mentions his daughter hasn’t seen The Goodfellas movie — something this actor can’t get over.

Watch below for all this and more. Catch Shades of Blue on Sundays at 10p ET on NBC.

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