Shannon Briggs on Klitschko Boat Story: He Nearly Crapped Himself

[youtube ytid=”″ ] – Shannon “The Cannon” Briggs continues to use his intellect and refined physique to sustain a domineering presence within the boxing realm, and recently the heavyweight visited VladTV to clarify his thoughts on Wladimir Klitschko and recount a humorous story about confronting the reigning Heavyweight champion.

The convo opens up with Briggs urging people to contact him at (954) 761-5754 if and when they catch a glimpse of Wladimir Klitschko. The Cannon repeatedly offers his telephone number and declares, “If you see Wladimir Klitschko anywhere, text the champ; text me immediately. Soon as you see him, I’m on my way!” “Text me immediately, if not sooner, and I’m right there on his as*,” he adds.

Watch the full clip to hear Briggs recount an entertaining story about how he used a boat to boldly confront Klitschko while he was paddle boarding. Briggs insists that the unexpected meeting almost left Klitschko with poop in his board shorts.


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