Off-Duty Muslim NYPD Officer Told To “Go Back To Your Country”

Imagine seeing your teenage son in an argument, and when you intervene you’re verbally abused for it. That’s what 34-year-old Aml Elsokary faced last week (Dec. 3). Shortly after the Muslim-American woman dropped off her 16-year-old son in Brooklyn, another male began arguing with him. That’s when the off-duty NYPD officer decided to intercede, before being called an, “ISIS [expletive], I will cut your throat, go back to your country,” according to Elsokary, who was wearing her hijab at the time of the incident.

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The NYPD arrested 36-year-old Christopher Nelson less than 24 hours after the altercation, CBS reports. The oppressor was charged with menacing as a hate crime and aggravated harassment. He was held on a $50,000 bail, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office.

Mayor Bill de Blasio came to the defense of the 11-year NYPD veteran. “This is her country, she is an American, she is a New Yorker, and this is her home. We cannot allow this hatred and bias to spread. You can’t have a candidate for president single out groups of Americans negatively and not have some ramification for that, not have something as a result of that. It’s very troubling. Look, a few times recently the President-elect has spoken out against it. He needs to keep doing that.”

“I help everybody no matter what your religion is. I’m born and raised here and I am here to protect you all. The department has supported me in wearing my hijab. I want to thank my Muslim officers for standing by my side,” Elsokary said at Monday’s (Dec. 5) press conference.

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According to the NYPD, there’s been 43 bias-related attacks reported since the election, compared to 20 during the same time last year. That is a 115 percent increase.

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