Home / News / #PressPlay: Okay! #MeganTheeStallion, #AsianDaBrat and #AkbarV all linked up last night, and Asian was not letting her recent accident slow her down, Chile! @theshaderoom #news#PressPlay: Okay! #MeganTheeStallion, #AsianDaBrat and #AkbarV all linked up last night, and Asian was not letting her recent accident slow her down, Chile! @theshaderoom #news Byhiphop August 17, 2020 View this post on Instagram #PressPlay: Okay! #MeganTheeStallion, #AsianDaBrat and #AkbarV all linked up last night, and Asian was not letting her recent accident slow her down, Chile! A post shared by The Shade Room (@theshaderoom) on Aug 17, 2020 at 5:08am PDT