The Scumbag TikToker Who Faked Tourettes For Clout

Faking Disorders For Clout – The new wave taking TikTok by storm. In this episode, we look into the incredibly interesting story of “ticsandroses” – A TikToker who really faked Tourettes for clout before getting exposed brutally. Her account was eventually deleted, so we’ll cover how Reddit and TikTok came to discover that she was faking it.

This is, The TikToker Who Faked Tourettes For Clout

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤

This video was inspired by Anna Oop’s video on a similar topic titled “This TikToker Really FAKED Tourettes For Clout..”. You can find her video here: . Thank you

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