Why Doesn't Hip Hop Respect Will Smith

Over nearly three decades, Will Smith has solidified himself as one of the biggest actors ever. Catapulting into stardom as the star of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Smith’s presence on tv and film soon after that loomed so large that the general opinion of Will Smith as a rapper weakened. Will Smith, the rapper, was widely viewed as a charming, comedic alternate reality that everyone played along with when one of his massive singles would play in the club or on the radio. Simply put, Smith’s acting career made people treat his music career much less seriously.

#WillSmith #HipHopMadness

Check out this video’s transcript over on AcrossTheCulture:


Narrated by: Pro (@JaysnProlifiq)
Written by: Zander Tsadwa
Edited by: Roman Bill
Music by: Josh Petruccio

© HIPHOPMADNESS 2020. All rights reserved

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