“The Guy I’m Dating Is Muslim & I’m Nervous To Eat Pork and Drink In Front Of Him!”- DCMWG Voicemail
“The Guy I’m Dating Is Muslim & I’m Nervous To Eat Pork and Drink In Front Of Him!” – DCMWG Voicemail
Get your real life advice from Damona on the show! DM @dontcallmeewhitegirl and leave a question for a chance to have your DM answered on an episode.
Filmed on Location: Poddy Time Philly
Executive Producers for Breakbeat: Dave Mays & Brett Jeffries
Executive Producer: Don’t Call Me White Girl
Producer: Tom Flies
Intro/Outro Music – @TrvplawdBeats
Production Management: Creative Mind Productions-Vernon Ray & Zack James
Instagram: @BreakbeatMedia @DontCallMeeWhiteGirl @PhelpsJugo @TomFlies @AllMoneyShots @ZJames_RHC
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Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-94-keep-it-cute/id1586851259?i=1000618468320
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7l9Oiv7HmLYuUupWYcE9S6?si=938b667e6a6945d7
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