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King Shoo Appologizes for Backdooring OG Percy with Criptonight, and Explained his perspective
Signing to Sauce Walka
Peso Peso “I Dont know YTM Lil Vent”
TTE Notti goes off on TI’s son King for standing on Business with his father
Rooga “FBG Duck Passed me the Torch, But I got Lazy”
TTE Notti Goes OFF on Finess2Tymes Brother FNG No Luv pulling up on Momma Brazy
HoneyKomb Brazy Going back to Jail “He didn’t know how to move” Full INTERVIEW
King Yella Goes off on 600 Breezy for Declining to push piece with Him
OG Percy reacts to Charleston White Being Jumped on stage during his Comedy Show Full Interview
OG Percy “Me and DLO Smashed a Cali Crip Face on Fergason Unit for talking Crip bidness”
OG Percy "TI 's Son King is acting like my son PMG God," he just got 20 Years in Prison
TTE Nottie Goes Left on Anthony Dewberry and CEO Hockley aka Criptonite
BG’s Celly “BG was bout to fight with Suranos in Prison But Louisiana Car wouldn't let him, part 6
OG Percy “Kevin Spenser Punching on Charleston for calling him a Rat Makes him king of the city“
OG Percy reacts to Charleston White getting assaulted after falling asleep in Barbershop
30 Rich details spending $80,000 to get into Pigeon racing
30 Rich recalls giving Finesse2tymes a French Bull Dog 48 Hours after his release from the Feds
Mista Meena We Declined Birdmans record deal because Yella Boi said they weren’t getting paid
Tootie Raw on Beefing with Lil IVY defending Boosie “Fredo Bang isn’t my cousin”
HotBoy Major “NBA YoungBoy and G Money beef was more serious than Boosie and Nussie”
OG Percy reacts to Birdman Embracing BG after doing 11 out of 14 years in Federal Prison
Memo 600 confirms dropping a Bag on Rico Recklezz + shows receipts that Wack100 is lying”
Tootie Raw denounces Boosie Public Beef with Sister + TQ claiming Boosie chased him with Bat
Terrance Gangsta Williams reacts to Momma BG saying BG Doesn't like Hot Beezo, part 7
Terrance Gangsta Williams reacts to BG looking Zesty after being released from Prison, Part 6
Terrance Gangsta Williams reacts to Turk Refusing to address Birdman and the Hot Boys Reunion tour
Turk Reacts to Birdman saying He Wouldn’t be on Hot Boy Reunion, declines to speak on BG’s Past beef
Terrance Gangsta Williams explains why BG and Boosie Keep their relationship private Part 8
OG Percy reacts to Boosie and his goons running down on his brother TQ with a Base Ball Bat
Terrance Gangsta Williams on BG Dissing Birdman and Lil Wayne on Wax, is it their link up genuine?
OG Percy reacts to Keefe D being arrested for Deleting Tupac after releasing memoir and interviews
OG Percy's Brother SuperDave Tells his life story, Midland Texas, Fort Worth Before the Colors
OG Percy Recalls King B and his Hit Man pulling up to his house unannounced with Percy Jr
Aries Spears speaks on Fazon Love saying he was picking on Lizzo, Making fun of Fat girl in her face
OG Percy reacts to Quavo being tier up and Robbed on a yacht in Miami
OG Percy reacts to predicting YNW Melly being retried as a free man October 2nd, part 3
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