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Rebel | Episode 8 Recap: Just Us
Rebel | Brian Makes a Strong Attempt to Save Himself in the Interrogation Room
Rebel | Did Lt.Gold Switch Up the Body Cam’s the Night of Malik’s Shooting?
Rebel | Is Rebel Wrong for Making Decisions Without Her Fathers Opinion?
Rebel | Episode 7 Recap: Redemption
Rebel | Brim Gets Kidnapped and May Have No Way Out
Rebel | Is Vaughn to Blame for Recent Murders or is he Being Framed?
Rebel | Mac’s Mother Becomes an Open Target for Payback
Rebel | Rebel Yell: Reverse Opinion
Rebel | Is Gold Trying to Build an Alliance or a Romance?
Rebel | Mac Reveals that a Crooked Cop is Involved with Texas
Rebel | Recap Episode 6: Breaking Point
Rebel | TJ Is Starting to Feel Uneasy about Rebel and Mac
Rebel | Rebel Yell: Scoreboard
Rebel | What Prompted the Mini Mart Owner to Shoot His Gun?
Rebel | You Won’t Believe Why Rebel’s Dad is Chained to a Bed
Rebel | Recap Episode 5: Partners
Rebel | Was Marshalls Death A Result of a Hate Crime?
Rebel | Recap Episode 4: Conceal & Carry
Rebel | You Wouldn’t Believe Who Spiked Rebel’s Drink!
Rebel | A Scary Night Has Rebel Paying a Visit to the Doctor
Rebel | Rebel Yell: “Bang Bang!”
Rebel | Rebel Helps Crack Down on a Murder Case
Rebel | Recap Episode 3: Black Not Blue
Rebel | Recap Episode 2: Chasing Ghosts
Rebel | Mack Convinces Rebel to Get the Dirt on His Mothers Crush
Rebel | Rebel Gets a Few Steps Closer to the Truth Behind Malik’s Death
Rebel | Renee Stops At Nothing to Find Justice for His Only Son
Rebel | Rebel Yell: ‘Almost A Lamentation’
Rebel | TJ and Rebel Play a Game of iSpy Like Old Times
Rebel | A friend from the past reappears in Rebel’s life
Rebel | Mac Gives Rebel a Gift That Brings Back Warm Memories
Rebel | Lt. Gold Turns His Back on Rebel and Her Family
Rebel | Rebel Fights to Protect Her Brother’s Name, but it’s not Easy.
Rebel | Rebel and TJ Can Never Seem to Get on the Same Page
Rebel | Recap: Is Malik a Criminal or Are the Cops to Blame?
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