Acorazado Trailer (2010) Movie – NYFF

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Now playing at the New York Film Festival – NYFF

Winner of the Audience Award at the last edition of Morelia Film Festival, Curiel´s film debut tells the hilarious story of Silveiro, a failed Mexican trade unionist from Veracruz who decides to do what no one he knows have ever been able to do: enter the United States and live there “legally.” His buddies help him draft the most unusual plan and after turning his old taxi cab into an improvised raft (which he names “El Acorazado Jarocho” or “The Veracruzan Battleship”) he sets sail towards Miami.

Silverio Palacios, a failed former union member from Veracruz, Mexico, decides to make his old friend Alacrán’s dream come true, by sailing to Miami in search of the American Dream.
Convinced that it’s completely inefficient to cross the border to become one of millions of Mexican fugitives, Silverio transforms his old abandoned taxi into a raft that will take him across the Gulf of Mexico to the Florida Coast.

A passionate speaker of senseless speeches, Silverio prepares the most important one yet in his life when he tries to convince the American Government to receive a political refugee, fleeing from Communism and risking his life in search of freedom and a better opportunity.

A turn of events transforms Alacrán’s dream into a new reality. Silverio improvises a desperate speech in front of a Cuban Government who watches the arrival of the first Mexican fleeing the Capital System to seek refuge in the last socialist country in the continent, as very unlikely.

Silverio Palacios, un fracasado sindicalista veracruzano, decide convertir en realidad el viejo sueño y consejo de su amigo Alacrán; hacerse a la mar buscando el sueño americano…
Convencido de la ineficacia que significa brincar el muro y convertirse en segundos en uno más de millones de migrantes fugitivos, Silverio transforma su viejo taxi abandonado en una balsa que lo hará navegar a través del golfo de México, hacia las añoradas costas de Florida.

Apasionado orador de discursos sin sentido, Silverio prepara el más importante de su vida; convencer al gobierno americano de estar recibiendo a un refugiado político, que huyendo del comunismo, ha decidido arriesgar la propia vida en busca de libertad y mejores oportunidades.

Un golpe de viento transforma el sueño del Alacrán en una nueva realidad. Silverio declama su desesperado discurso ante un gobierno cubano que mira con recelo la llegada del primer mexicano, que huyendo del capitalismo, ha decidido refugiarse en el último bastión socialista del continente.


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