Premiere: Stream Nader’s New Song “On My Mind”

Up-and-coming singer Nader is all about the feels. His previous popular tracks, have touched heavy on emotion, which he’s expressed through his stunning vocals and soft production. After a bit of a break, Nader is back at it on Friday with the release of his brand new track titled “On My Mind,” which is all about the feeling of missing a significant other in the worst way possible.

We had just left a show and everyone went back to the studio, we caught a vibe to the instrumental,” he explained to Complex. “When the chorus came around I yelled ‘I got p*ssy that on my mind yea!’ I knew I wanted to center the song about not being able to wait to be with the person you’re thinking of,” he said. That surely is evident throughout the infectious song, which you can stream in full below. 

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Source Complex

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